January 16, 2012

Movie's Fantasies

I watched too much movies, I think. 
and some days, they are corrupting me. 
I'm starting to thinks how lovely if i could be like them at the movie. 
I'm starting to believe, that here's must be someone out there, waiting and thinking about you. 
I'm starting to imagine how warm it would be if I have someone to cuddle with at the bed. 
and the reality comes. 
movies never tells us what the reality is. 
they tells us the dreams. 
Now, I know I've watched too much romantic, silly, and pathetic love movies. 

January 06, 2012


"What so great about the truth? Try lying for a change. 
It's the currency of the world." 
Dan to Anna, Closer (2004)

I won't say that I'm innocent and never have been lying to someone. 
But I know pretty sure 
when you are lying to someone you deeply care and love 
you always feel a guilty thing
in your heart
and suddenly you just want them to know that you'd been acting strange
so you have to tell the truth
and the guilty thing will go 
or at least its lessen