April 01, 2013

Feeling artsy, don't we?

Assalammu'alaikum. wr.wb..

I'm very thankful that I live in an artsy environment.
Mama loves knitting and sewing, and just like me, she like to makes her own clothes!
She also loves to read as much as I am. We both can spend a whole day at bookstore, just browsing and looking for the new book. Though my genre are still a bit confusing for her to read, she loves Islamic book.
Bang Ayik have magic finger.
He even draw a whole world map by his own when he was at junior high school and his drawing is cool.
Too bad he never draw anymore, I don't know why.
Papa.. well, he is a gift in music.
He said that when he was in junior high school, he and his brother has their own band! h. such a waste, e never teach us how to play guitar or drum.
Me? I like doodling... and babbling. :p
Naah... I have a lot of friends who love music, art, and literature as much as I am.
So whenever one of us blog walking and find some artsy websites or products, we'll always send the link to others, by twitter or facebook message.

And my sister, Betyona Bioza, found this amazing woman.. Ayang Cempaka.
This are some of her illustrations..

Go check her website or portfolio to know more about the illustration.

March 27, 2013

To love is..

am working on my paper.. got bored.. and voila! I found this. 
Like what one of my friend said to me, 
to love is to give your heart and be vulnerable..  

source: Drifting Between Stars 

no, i'm not giving the key out.. 

*working back to finish the paper*