March 22, 2010

Our Times

I love the situation we have made.

I love when we talk the serious things, maybe laughing how the worlds play game with us.

I love to imagine how his face when he heard what I said

I love imagine the silent of him, thinking to giving back my words.

I love the way he laughing, know that I got him.

I love it.

Knowing we share the silent night together, even the shadow keep hiding us together.

Knowing he reply what I say, even with the question or the statement.

Knowing he talk bout his self, his trouble, his way, and his precious things.

I am missing him.

Missing how his lips make a smile.

Missing how his laughing, because my silly jokes.

Missing how his eyes looking through the world, who always make a game with him.

I imagine bout him.

Imagine the way he takes the cigarette; get the fire, quiet calmly breath, and release the smoke.

Imagine how the smoke swirled around him, makes a figure out.

Imagine how we meet together sometimes.

Imagine how situation that we have made, now.

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