Is this what it's like when you're in love?
The eyes will always be looking for his figures
The lips will always talk about him
If that's true, I'm in love.
Is this what it's like when you're in love?
Feet will always walks follow him
The hand will always want to touch his self
If that's true, I'm in love
Is this what it's like when you're in love?
The mind will always think about him
Images will always imagined him
If that's true, I'm in love
Is this what it's like when you're in love?
Hands Feet Eyes Mind lips Imagine
Always centered on him
If that's true, I really was in love.
The Story:
Well, for the first time you will bet that I'm in love. But sorry guys, I'm not. :D
Gue nggak lagi jatuh cinta kok. Gue cuma lagi pengen bikin poem buat temen-temen gue yang sedang gedebuk lope *Ini temuan terbaru kita (Gue dan BuTarjo) dalam kosa kata bahasa indonesia kita yang pas-pasan.
Daan.. yaah, tidak memungkiri kok, I wanna fall in love with someone, who truly fall in love with me too. Hahaha..
Gue adalah tipe orang yang akan bilang 'Give Up' jika ternyata gue rasa tuh cowok yang sempet gue gebet bakalan sampe mati gak ada feeling ma gue. Daripada gue jadinya sakit hati.
Dan pengalaman gue menunggu seorang cowok -yang entah kenapa gak pernah berani bilang suka ke gue dalam waktu 3 tahun belakang ini- sudah membuat gue sadar dan believe that this statement is the only rite path.
And give me the comment for this poem, okay?
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